I'll give you 4 reasons: Guiliani, Romney, Huckabee, McCain.
If the GOP can't find a conservative for the election, it's a done deal.
How long does this have to play out? Didn't Goldwater make it plain in '64? Didn't Reagan accomplish it in the '80's? Conservatism wins.
I've tried to run with the herd for the past 8 years, but RINO after RINO have continued to screw the party. So what's the GOP solution? Go even more RINO? That's why we're losing.
Let's say there's 50 million Republican voters, 10 mil apiece for the above mentioned Democrats, and 10 million conservatives. You've already lost, Republican Party.
Not just the White House, but you've spent 8 years ensuring the loss of the Senate and House as well. Wasn't 2006 a wake-up call? For the love of God, quit hitting the snooze bar.
The ONLY way to WIN is by offering a true conservative. Otherwise it is only going to be some form of a watered down Hillary or Obama.
It is so frustrating to watch the Republican Party go the way of the Whigs into irrelevance by its insistance on being Lefty Light. Okay, I'm a FredHead. I'll just have to sit on the sidelines and watch the GOP commit suicide and let the conservative movement go underground.
Thanks for the next 4 years.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Why Will the Republican Party Lose?
1/20/2008 01:34:00 AM
Labels: 2008 election
Sunday, January 13, 2008
My prediction of the the 2008 US Presidential outcome:
Dem 325, Rep 213
Note: Blue=R, Red=Dem (the old method)
Dave Liep's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections
Update (Nov 12, 2008): I erred on Indiana, Virginia, and North Carolina (so far).
Not so bad from 10 months out?
1/13/2008 10:49:00 PM
Labels: 2008 election
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Rush on Fred
Hat tip: Blogs for Fred Thompson
1/10/2008 02:35:00 PM
Labels: 2008 election
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
There's Never a Good Title
I'm new to the blogosphere. But my feeds were ringing with a past I never new today:
Andrew Olmsted, RIPI somehow didn't care to believe this story, but then it came. I wish I had words.
Godspeed Major Andrew Olmsted
Andrew Olmsted, RIP
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Why Fred?
I've kept mum thus far and watched things play out a bit first, but it seems like it's all the fashion lately for blogs to have picked a candidate. I believe I've been in the Fred camp since about the spring of 2007. Why?
Back then, I was reading various articles on Townhall.com, and he was listed as a columnist. I liked what we wrote. Comparing with the announced candidates at the time, I preferred his message. All of them struck me as not being a "true" conservative, on issues here and there.
And I watched with disappointment as the launch of his candidacy fizzled. I wonder how much the mainstream media played a part in that, but not in a conspiratorial sense. The media's annointed ones all seemed to have conservative flaws that were easy for them to pick away at.
Let's consider Craig Chamberlain's article Decision Time for GOP:
Senator Thompson is putting the most detailed plans out there, and would be a formidable nominee, but his campaign never got off the ground. He is solidly conservative, on both economic and social issues, is a hawk and doesn't have the tag of being a flip flopper. It should seem that he would be the obvious choice, but he has been stagnant in the polls and doesn't seem to be going anywhere.This has been a persistent theme about Thompson. His only flaw is that he didn't zoom straight to the top of the heap. Other than that, he's probably the best overall conservative choice. Uh, don't we have about 242 days until the Republican National Convention?
Echoes of the same general theme seem to be all over the web. You can find a similar assessment in David Limbaugh's Time to Step Up, Fred.
I find his lack of "fire in the belly" refreshing. He strikes me as one of the few presidential candidates since Ronald Reagan whose primary motivation is not personal aggrandizement but rather serving and leading the nation in very troubled and dangerous times. I see him as almost being drafted into this project, and his refusal to drool publicly over the prospect of becoming the most powerful man in the world is positively delightful.I too find this refreshing. It's like many people having been clamoring for a different type of campaign, one about substance and ideas. And yet when this bonus item is placed atop a solid contender, somehow it becomes a negative. I mused that perhaps lying low was intentional: the brightest flame burns quickest theory.
Why Fred? The conservative movement has been adrift since Ronald Reagan left office. In the previous 4 presidential elections, the GOP has served up the "electable" candidate. Enough of this nonsense. No more RINOs for "electability's" sake.
Let's go with "the surge" and give a chance to Thompson's Retail Politics. Besides, he gets even more bonus points for jabbing at the press, as a nice follow-up to the "show of hands""tantrum".
Conservatism Wins. Fred Thompson for President
1/02/2008 09:53:00 PM
Labels: 2008 election
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year -- 2008
I've been exploring web technologies in the past weeks, and it has been a complete flood of information passing by way. I see breaking news 10 times over, such that it seems that up-to-the-minute items are passe after 10 minutes. I'm trying to get a handle on all of this and begin to deliver timely, useful bits of information that I find interesting and I hope that you do to.
But as another year ticks away, I would be remiss without acknowledging the passing of time. May you and yours enjoy the blessings of all you experience in 2008.